Basic informations First name: Вася I am: TG FTM Age: 22 years old Weight: 46 Height: 155 Body type: Normal Hair: Short Hair color: Black Eye color: Blue Sexual orientation: I feel attracted to men, I feel attracted to transgenders About me: Транс парень нимфоман More about me Cigarettes: Smoker Alcohol: Drink occasionally Gambling: Yes - occasionally Favorite color: Black Favorite cuisine: Mexican, Oriental, Polish, Mediterranean, vegan, vegetarian, Italian, Turkish, fast-food My character: Aggressive, sensitive, delicate, witty, eloquent, erratic, entertaining, crazy Clothes style: Alternative, casual, teenage style, free, unusual, provocative, provocative My dreams: Хочу паника, который будет меня периодически трахать My life goals: Думаю о настоящем Hobbies and interests My hobbies: Esoterics, movie, playing instruments, parties/clubbing, culinary, music, travel, walking, meetings with friends Other hobbies: Пишу стихи, гитара Animals: I prefer reptiles/amphibians Favorites fields of knowledge: Philosophy In my free time I focus mainly on: Музыка и рейвы Favorite books: Чак паланик Favorite movies: Психологические триллеры Work and education Way of thinking: Humanistic Education: Primary Profession/occupation: Looking for a job Branch: Trade Type of housing: Other
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