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Basic informations
I am: TS MTF on treatment
City/Town: Warszawa
Age: 29 years old
Weight: 75
Height: 175
Body type: Normal
Hair: Short
Hair color: Brunet\te
Eye color: Hazel
Sexual orientation: I feel attracted to women, I feel attracted to transgenders
About me:Zwyczajna ts m/k chcąca poznać ludzi takich samych jak ja, 12.03.25 start nowego życia
I am looking for
The main goal of acquaintance: Just looking
Other goals of acquaintance: Just looking, internet friendship, exchange experience, traveling, open relationship, friendship, flirt, love affair, serious relationship, sex
I am looking for: TS MTF before treatment, TS MTF on treatment, TS MTF Post-Op, women
More about me
My character: Direct, sensitive, delicate, witty, entertaining, quiet
Clothes style: Casual, free, modest
Hobbies and interests
My hobbies: Movie, playing instruments, computers, literature, painting, music, travel, walking, television
Favorites fields of knowledge: Electronics, history, information technology
Tania_321 (2024-01-14)